AlternativeRoot aka AltRoot is a company separate from the WRWMC, that operates as a partner on the same site as the Regional Landfill. They source organic materials from our compost and brush piles to be used in their CASP process, as well as from other commercial sources. Below is a summary of the CASP process and what they do, taken from theirĀ website.


"Covered Aerated Static Pile (CASP) is a proven biological process with air-flow to control an oxygen-rich environment for natural decomposition of organic materials. The system enables control of temperatures for pathogen and seed removal with addition of moisture to facilitate curing of the compost. These conditions provide the optimal living conditions for microorganisms to thrive and efficiently break down organic matter in the feedstock. Aeration enables the rapid production of cured compost, minimizing land use and pollutant risks."


Anyone who has a source of clean organics and/or wood and is interested in this recycling opportunity is asked to contact Brian Wonnacott (Superintendent) at 780-733-6518.